Powerlink lodges its Revenue Proposal with the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) every five years. Our Revenue Proposal outlines forecast revenue requirements to provide an efficient, safe and reliable transmission service.

The AER must assess our Revenue Proposal to ensure it meets the requirements of the National Electricity Rules, and periodically will publish information on their website seeking customer input and feedback.

Visit AER's website

The key milestones in our revenue determination process are illustrated below.

2027-2032 Regulatory Timeline

end October

Powerlink notify AER to start Framework and Approach Process

end November

AER consult on need for Framework and Approach

mid December

AER Notice on Framework and Approach


AER publish Positions Paper


Powerlink lodge Expenditure Forecasting Methodology with AER


AER publish Framework and Approach Paper

end September

Powerlink publish draft Revenue Proposal

end January

Powerlink lodge Revenue Proposal with AER


AER publish Issues Paper


AER Public Forum on Revenue Proposal


Submissions close on Issues Paper/Revenue Proposal

end September

AER publish Draft Decision


AER Pre-determination Conference


Powerlink lodge Revised Revenue Proposal with AER

end April

AER publish Final Decision


Submissions close on Revised Revenue Proposal

1 July

New regulatory period starts

Full timeline


Roger Smith

Roger Smith

Director Revenue Reset
07 3860 2111

Reference Group

As part of the 2027-32 Revenue Determination process, we’ve formed a Revenue Proposal Reference Group with members of our Customer Panel.

This smaller group enables deeper, more frequent engagement to provide detailed customer input into Powerlink’s Revenue Proposal.

Meeting resources including presentations, meeting minutes and other relevant documents will be published on the Customer Panel webpage.