Keeping community at the heart of her role

When Bec, Community Relations Advisor, joined Powerlink in March 2023, it was her first exposure to the power industry. However, Bec’s passion for advocating for regional communities, borne from her experience on the land, makes Powerlink her perfect fit. So much so that Bec says she plans to build a career here for good.  

It’s a long drive west from Brisbane to reach towns like Chinchilla and Jandowae in the Western Downs. To Bec Coffey, having spent 15 years of her life managing a remote Queensland cattle station, travelling out into big sky country feels special. Importantly, such trips allow her to do what she does best - connect with regional community members and explore what Powerlink’s newest projects might mean for them. 

Having worked on rural land, Bec understands that although our projects have the power to connect regional communities to a world-class energy future, they can present changes and challenges. Bec doesn’t shy away from acknowledging this when talking to community members over a cup of coffee at a local cafe, town hall meeting or community event. 

“We’re very mindful that it’s not just Powerlink projects out here. Our communities have multiple other big projects affecting them. So, there’s a cumulative impact. But it’s about being there, being empathetic, genuinely wanting to answer questions, address concerns and build relationships with people. And I think people can feel it if you’re genuine, and it does bring them relief to have that support.”

Engaging in this type of work with Powerlink is a source of pride for our Community Relations Advisor because it’s about building ongoing, genuine relationships with communities. 

“More and more, the community is really at the heart of how we do business at Powerlink. In every meeting we have these days, the words ‘community’ and ‘social licence’ come up naturally in conversation. That really excites me. My team can help nurture that across the business, which is great to be part of.”

A key part of Bec’s role is working with communities to explore how Powerlink's Community Investment Funds can be used most effectively to bring long-lasting benefits to the regions where Powerlink will be co-located with the community.

True to her personality, Bec’s approach is founded on compassion and empathy. 

“A really important part of my role is firstly understanding that no two communities are the same, each community is special and unique. Through building strong relationships with our communities, we can better understand their needs and how we can work with them to bring long-lasting benefits to their region. It’s about what helps regional communities to be more sustainable and resilient. It’s supporting a community with jobs and upskilling people. This is what can bring real benefits.”

Bec knows firsthand exactly what this support can look like. With a passion for education, in 2021, Bec helped to establish and manage Queensland's first Country University Centre (CUC) in her hometown of Roma. CUC’ s are designed to close the educational gap between urban and rural areas, helping local students pursue higher education without leaving their communities. 

Powerlink was one of the foundation sponsors of CUC Maranoa, and still continues to support the Roma centre today. It was one of Bec’s proudest moments when the CUC opened its doors in January 2021. Now, she has come full circle, and as part of Bec’s role at Powerlink, she’s helping to explore opportunities for funding for more community services, like CUCs, across the region. 

“It has been amazing, being on both sides of the fence. From setting up a phenomenal centre myself and witnessing first-hand the amazing benefits that it brought to the region, to now looking at how Powerlink can fund and support services for other regional communities. Yeah, it's amazing!”

With a background in the agricultural and education sectors, joining Powerlink represented a big transition for Bec. While she’s embraced her role, she has also found opportunities to apply her extensive skills and knowledge from her former careers. 

“When I joined the Community Relations team, I was fortunate because my background in education meant I was able to assist with our Talent team’s School Roadshow program. It is awesome that our individual talents and skills are recognised and put to good use across the entire business. You’re given so much autonomy to pursue things like that.”

Bec says she’s also valued the support of her manager, who encouraged her to see her potential. 

“My manager really highlighted the fact that it’s the person behind the role that matters. I took a lot of comfort from that, and I've really seen that map out in my journey with Powerlink. And my knowledge of the energy sector and all things transmission lines has just skyrocketed! 

For Bec, the possibilities with Powerlink feel endless, and that’s more than enough to ground her, here in Brisbane, with her beloved big sky country just a work trip away. 

“I think I’ll retire here,” she laughs. “The job comes with its challenges, but it’s the development they put into you here, the understanding of work-life balance, the ethics in how you’re treated as an employee. They have a vision, and I get excited about how I can contribute to that - to help evolve the business to become better and to do the best for our communities. Yeah, I’m in this for the long haul.”

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