Powerlink Community Grants support initiatives and activities valued at up to $5,000 in regional Queensland. 

Powerlink is proud to announce the various recipients across Queensland of its dedicated community grants program. With a focus on supporting local initiatives, Powerlink has extended its reach to Far North Queensland, North Queensland, Central Queensland and Southern Queensland.  

Powerlink remains steadfast in its mission to support and uplift Queensland communities. 

These grants aim to enhance community well-being, promote sustainable practices, and offer substantial support to grassroots organisations. 

Grants are available annually. Stay tuned for more information on the 2026 community grants round. 

2024 community grant recipients 

Powerlink's 2024 community grants provide funding for projects and activities delivered between January 2025 to December 2025.  

The recent community grant round was open to community groups, community clubs and not-for-profit organisations in the following Local Government Areas:  

  • Banana
  • Cairns
  • Charters Towers
  • Etheridge
  • Flinders
  • Gladstone
  • Gympie
  • Hinchinbrook
  • Somerset
  • South Burnett
  • Southern Downs
  • Richmond
  • Toowoomba
  • Western Downs  

There was limited funding of $25,000 available to each local government area (LGA). 

Additional LGAs may be included in future rounds.    

Before applying, applicants were strongly encouraged to review our community grants guidelines

The guidelines include information on eligibility, as well as frequently asked questions.



Grant recipient Funding amount Detail of community grant 
Ingham Theatre Group   $4,851 Audio equipment for the theatre that will also be made available for community use 
Forrest Beach Surf Lifesaving Club  $5,000 Silver Salties - an over 60s active-life participation program that will be run throughout 2025. 
Herbert River Cricket Association  $5,000  Purchase of a BBQ and water cooler to host community fundraisers 
Long Pocket Sport and Community Group  $5,000 Upgrades to the tennis courts to make them useable for the community 
Hinchinbrook Archery Club  $5,000 Purchase of shade structures and seating  
Gulf Stockman's Challenge Inc  $5,000  Skills Development Youth Camp contribution 
Marlin Coast Neighborhood Centre  $4,994 Community garden extension/upgrade 
Cairns and Far North Environment Centre  $4,989  Sustainability workshops and roundtable discussions with over 45 member groups to host capacity building, discuss challenges, solutions and identify strategic issues facing the Far North region. 
Cairns & Districts Senior Citizens Association  $4,984 Piano upgrade for community events 
Queensland Country Women's Association  $5,000 Community-based skills program (repairing clothing and household items) 
COUCH  $5,000 Workshops for cancer patients that will assist with their recovery.  Workshops will cover nutrition, arts for connection with other suffers and music therapy to aid in their recovery. 


Grant recipient Funding amount Detail of community grant 
Charters Towers Junior Rugby League  $5,000 Purchase of junior rugby league balls for training and playing  
Charters Towers & Surrounding Districts Netball Association  $5,000  Installation of a security system and upgrades to storage area 
Greenvale Country Club  $5,000 Purchase of equipment for the public swimming pool (shade sail and gated area) 
Blackheath & Thornburgh Parents & Friends Association  $4,562  Router table for the school's new tech building 
Richmond Amateur Swimming Club   $5,000 Shade structures for swim comps and stand up paddle board equipment 
Richmond Golf Club  $5,000 Irrigation for the golf club green's 
Richmond Tennis Club  $5,000 Family Fun Day - member drive, coaching and skills development 
Maxwelton Race Club  $5,000 Shade structure for the general public area 
Richmond Pistol Club  $5,000 Shade structure for the 50m range area 
Kooroorinya Ladies Day Incorporated  $5,000 Learning experience workshops for the ladies of the Flinders Region 
Western Queensland Wildlife Rehabilitation   $4,750 Support for the rescue and rehabilitation of wildlife rescue coordination 
Flinders Hack and Pony Club  $5,000 Riding Rhythms Workshop - training and skills development for children 
Hughenden Golf Club  $4,750 Upgrades to equipment - mower, slasher and whipper snipper 
Prairie Community Horse Club  $5,000  Installation of water troughs and upgrade to fencing safety 


Grant recipient Funding amount Detail of community grant 
Biloela Scout Group  $ 3,500 Purchase of deep cycle batteries for Camp Illawong, located at Callide Dam. The batteries will be connected to the groups solar panels and replace the diesel generator - this will allow the camp to run on environmentally friendly solar energy.  
Callide Valley Agricultural and Pastoral Society Inc  $ 4,000  Rodeo Arena Lights Project: Install energy efficient and bright lighting at the rodeo arena 
Callide Valley Tennis Association  $ 2,048 New equipment: Chalk line marker and equipment for canteen. 
Mount Murchison State School  $ 3,000 Classroom interactive touch board 
Theodore State School P&C Association  $ 3,000 High school mini multipurpose court 
Wowan Fire Brigade  $ 2,507 Facility upgrades: Purchase of equipment to support dry firefighting techniques 
Callide Dawson Chamber of Commerce  $ 3,500 Spectacular Service: Deliver customer service training to staff employed by local businesses 
Banana Shire Community Arts Association   $ 3,400 Building a community garden project - edging and seating 
Gladstone Community Linking Agency  $ 4,430 Exercise program for aged care & NDIS participants 
Gladstone Mindcare  $ 5,000 Men's Mental Health Hub 
Gladstone District Dirt Riders Club  $ 5,000 Motocross track dust control and safety enhancement project 
Gladstone Men's Shed Association   $ 1,750 Multi-process welder 
Central Queensland Hospital Foundation   $ 5,000 Supporting the new West Wing at Gladstone Hospital to improve paediatric maternity services 
Roseberry Community Services  $ 3,800 Safety First - Staff training in First Aid and CPR training 


Grant recipient Funding amount Detail of community grant 
Glastonbury Hall Society  $ 4,054  Sustainable upgrades - Solar installation, cost reduction due to high usage  
Gympie Country Women's Association  $ 1,000  Refuge and Hospital care kits 
Hope Reins Inc  $ 2,500  Mental health initiative - horses and humans experience 
The Genus Inc (Local artist initive)   $ 5,000  Power of Art Local Stories - Collaborative works of local artists (theme local) 
Mary Valley After School Care  $ 5,000  Afterschool care sports and recreation programs  
Amamoor Primary P&C  $ 3,500  Playground upgrades (compliance, safety and age appropriate) 
Blackall Range Care Group  $ 4,000  Outdoor space revitalisation - new outdoor furniture, sensory garden beds  
Rural Health Limited  $ 5,000  Greenspace establishment - Mental health treatment space  
Warwick Art Gallery  $ 4,510  Support increase public seating , support outreach workshops ( aged care)  
Stanthorpe Agricultural Society  $ 5,000  2025 Show - high level entertainment for main events during show week  
Warwick Coral Society  $ 4,770  Upgrade stair access and roof restoration 
Warwick Golf Club  $ 4,000  Concrete paths upgrades to meet compliance, access and safety for players  
Linville Progress Association  $ 4,000  Purchase of a data projector and screen for the Linville Community Hall 
Mount Stanley Muser Incorporated  $ 4,000  Upgrading cattle yards for improved safety and welfare of the animals 
Esk Primary P&C Association  $ 5,000  Outdoor sandstone seating on oval for spectators 
Toogoolawah Primary P&C Association  $ 5,000  New deep fryers for school P & C Tuckshop 
Corporation of the Synod of the Diocese of Brisbane  $ 3,000  St Mary's Kilcoy Hall kitchen improvements - stove and microwave 
Jimna Forest Action Group Inc.  $ 4,000  New Fridge and Freezer for information centre 
BIEDO  $ 3,000  Spark of Change: South Burnett Youth Innovation Day 
South Burnett Saints AFC  $ 5,000  Solar system on club house 
Highway Church Kingaroy  $ 2,000  New kitchen equipment 
Suncoast Spinners Wheelchair Basketball  $ 3,000  South Burnett Wheelchair Basketball Program 
South Burnett Support Alliance Incorporated  $ 4,500  Lockers for the homeless 
Nanago Agricultural Pastoral & Mining Society Inc  $ 5,000  New mower for showgrounds 
Kumbia and District Historical Society  $ 2,500  New scanner to restore historical photos and records 
Toowoomba Polocrosse Club Incorporated  $ 4,230  Outdoor seating for spectators  
Wild Horse FM Incorporated  $ 4,583  Dedicated administration workspace with digital tools 
Yarraman and District Historical society  $ 5,000  Upgrade to kitchen appliances 
54 Reasons/Save the Children  $ 4,100  Learn to drive program for women in refuge 
Cooyar Progress Association  $ 2,000  Rejuvenation of existing historical information board and introduction of new boards.  
Cancer Patients Foundation  $ 5,000  Look good feel better program for cancer patients 
Murilla Community Centre Incorporated  $ 5,000  Hall upgrades to kitchen 
Wandoan and District Kindergarten Association  $ 3,000  Wandoan Camel Races 2025 
Dalby Day Nursery and Pre-School Association  $ 3,500  Purchase of an interactive smart TV/whiteboard 
Murilla Kindergarten Association Inc  $ 3,000  Long lunch in the sorghum paddock 2025 Fundraising event 
Jandowae Showgrounds Management Committee  $ 1,700  Dong Fence Tractor Pallet Forks 
Wandoan and District Pony Club  $ 2,784 Equipment upgrades 
Chinchilla Melon Festival Association Inc.  $ 3,000 2025 Chinchilla Melon Festival 
Jandowae and District Show Society  $ 3,000  Jandowae Show Entertainment 

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