The Access Policy for the MacIntyre Designated Network Asset (DNA) was approved by the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) on 4 April 2024.

For the purpose of Appendix F of the Access Policy, the end date of Foundation Proponent No.1’s connection agreement is 9 February 2054.

Schematic of the connection configuration for the MacIntyre DNA and associated assets (as at AER Approval Date)

MacIntyre DNA Schematic

Note: The Tummaville Switching Station (the IUSA) is divided into IUSA Shared Facilities and IUSA Non-Shared Facilities. Based on the current configuration shown in the schematic above, the IUSA Shared Facilities are considered to be six ninths of the IUSA. The blue shaded areas represent the three bays used to provide negotiated transmission services to the MacIntyre DNA (the IUSA Non-Shared Facilities).

Main components of the connection

The main components of the MacIntyre DNA and associated assets
NoAsset componentDescription
1Network Interface AssetsCut-in-works and related assets from the IUSA to the existing Shared Transmission Network 
2aIUSA – shared facilities330kV Tummaville Switching Station – six transmission line cut-in bays and associated facilities
2bUSA – non-shared facilities330kV Tummaville Switching Station – three IUSA bays used to provide negotiated transmission services to the MacIntyre DNA
3DNA component 1330kV Transmission line between Tummaville Switching Station and MacIntyre Intermediate Switching Station and associated easements
4DNA component 2330kV MacIntyre Intermediate Switching Station and associated access easement

Refer to the hybrid general arrangement drawings for MacIntyre Intermediate Switching Station and Tummaville Switching Station for further details. 

MacIntyre DNA capacity

The MacIntyre DNA is primarily limited by the thermal capacity of DNA Component 1 (the 330kV transmission lines between Tummaville Switching Station and MacIntyre Intermediate Switching Station). DNA Component 1 includes two circuits, and under normal operating conditions, each circuit has a limiting thermal capacity of 913 MVA based on the summer normal rating (refer to Table 1 in the MacIntyre DNA Access Operational Protocol for further details). Note the DNA Capacity is subject to non-DNA limitations/constraints/conditions existing, from time to time, on the Shared Transmission Network that impact the maximum capacity into, across and out of the MacIntyre DNA.  

Powerlink will engage with an Applicant in more detail about its desired Agreed DNA Transfer Limit for DNA Service 1 for a proposed connection project prior to and/or after a DNA Access Request has been submitted.

Facilities of Existing Connected Parties and Conditional Proponents
Project Nameplate capacity (MW)Agreed DNA Transfer Limit (MVA)
MacIntyre Wind Farm – Foundation Proponent 1923.4894.5
Karara Wind Farm – Foundation Proponent 2102.6100.5*
Herries Range Wind Precinct – Conditional Herries ProponentUp to 1000Up to 1005.0*
Karara Energy Storage Precinct – Conditional Karara ProponentUp to 400Up to 402.0*
*The Agreed DNA Transfer Limit for Karara Wind Farm, Herries Range Wind Precinct and Karara Energy Storage Precinct will be subject to change depending on the Performance Standards that are approved pursuant to the Rules. 

A congestion management scheme will be introduced to manage access to the thermal capacity of the line during MacIntyre DNA congestion, but the scheme will not apply to the Foundation Proponents.

MacIntyre DNA Capacity limitations

The DNA Owner, in its capacity as DNA Owner, has no responsibility and can give no guarantees about power transfer capability from the Boundary Point, as these matters are subject to Network Limitations and are beyond the control of the DNA Owner.

DNA component limitations
No Description (collectively “component limitations”)DNA capacityDNA capacity following upgrade
1The MacIntyre DNA is limited by the thermal capacity of the twin 330kV feeder between MacIntyre Intermediate Switching Station and Tummaville Switching Station.

In a Satisfactory Operating State, 1,826MVA.

A Runback Scheme will trip up to 750MVA initially following a Credible Contingency Event.

Upgrade with third feeder (same rating as each existing MacIntyre DNA circuit) results in a Satisfactory Operating State, 2,739MVA

Following a Credible Contingency Event, 1,826MVA.

DNA Access Operational Protocol

Read the current DNA Access Operational Protocol for the MacIntyre DNA.

Conditional Proponent Terms

The DNA Owner may offer an Applicant an Access Agreement to become a Conditional Proponent, in return for a fee. View the Conditional Proponent Terms and Conditions. Back to Designated Network Assets

Capitalised terms used on this webpage which are:     
(a)    not italicised have the meanings given in this content or the Access Policy for the MacIntyre DNA; and
(b)    italicised have the meanings given in the Rules.
