A draft report has been released for public comment as part of the development of the Genex Kidston Renewable Energy Hub.
Powerlink’s Draft Environmental Assessment Report (EAR) outlines the social, environmental and economic factors associated with connecting the Genex project to Powerlink’s transmission network.
Powerlink Chief Executive Merryn York said the release of the report was an important milestone for the Genex project.
“Powerlink was engaged by Genex to prepare the Draft EAR, using information gathered from comprehensive landholder and stakeholder engagement, research and field surveys,” Ms York said.
“The report outlines a proposed 275kV electricity transmission line and associated substations to safely connect the Genex project to Powerlink’s network.
“It also assesses potential environmental, social and economic impacts of the proposed electricity infrastructure, and includes actions to manage or mitigate potential impacts.
“We appreciate the cooperation and input of landholders and stakeholders to date. We are committed to continued engagement with them throughout the project.
“In line with the Planning Act 2016, we encourage landholders and other interested parties to make submissions on the report to the Planning Minister by Friday 2 November 2018.”
All submitters will receive an individual response from Powerlink and matters raised will be addressed in the Final EAR, which will then be provided to the Planning Minister as part of the infrastructure designation for the project.
Interested parties are invited to attend community information drop-in sessions with Powerlink staff and environmental specialist AECOM who prepared the Draft EAR. The drop-in sessions will be 9am and 12pm on:
The Draft EAR is available on the Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning’s website at https://planning.dsdmimp.qld.gov.au/id-consultations or Powerlink’s website at www.powerlink.com.au/genex-kidston.
It can also be viewed at Greenvale Post Office, Hinchinbrook Shire Council’s Customer Service Centre at Ingham, Charters Towers Regional Council’s Administration Centre, and Etheridge Shire Council’s Georgetown Shire Office.