Powerlink is to committed to making information about our functions and operations publicly available in accordance with the Right to Information Act 2009 and Information Privacy Act 2009.

Requests for information on the financial statements should be sent in writing to:

Chief Financial Officer Powerlink Queensland
PO Box 1193 Virginia
Queensland Australia 4014

  • Employee Code of Conduct
  • Health, Safety and Environment Policy
  • Corporate Entertainment and Hospitality
  • Services
  • Policy for recruiting employees and current vacancies
  • Complaints management
  • Requests for information and information privacy access
  • Modern Slavery Statement
  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Strategy
  • Share Trading Standard:

    The primary purpose of the Share Trading Standard is to mitigate the risk of inappropriate trading of shares by Powerlink employees, managers and directors. The Standard is a supplementary policy to Powerlink’s Conflict of Interest Policy. The Standard is built around a number of concepts, including: Watch List, Blackout Periods, Reporting, Annual Compliance Declarations.
  • Conflict of Interest: 

    Working for a government owned corporation (GOC) often means being in a position of trust. When the conduct of an employee does, or might be perceived to, involve a conflict between private interests and corporate duty, this trust is placed at risk and a potential or actual conflict of interest may arise.

    A potential conflict of interest exists when it appears an employee’s private interests could interfere with the proper and impartial performance of official duties in the best interests of Powerlink.

    An actual conflict of interest exists when a reasonable person, in possession of the relevant facts, would conclude that the employee’s private interests are likely to interfere with the proper and impartial performance of official duties in the best interests of Powerlink.

    In such circumstances, Powerlink employees must put personal views or interests aside and report any actual or potential conflict of interest. The public must be able to trust that Powerlink employees will act impartially, and in accordance with our policies, procedures and guidelines.