Project Stage of PTI Framework
Gladstone Project

Assessment Stage  
Consultation on draft submission: Closed  
Consultation on potential non-network solutions: Closed  

Consultation on draft assessment will commence in early 2025, anticipated in the March/April timeframe.  


  • Powerlink has prepared the submission for the Gladstone Project under Queensland’s Priority Transmission Investment (PTI) framework. Consultation on the draft submission was undertaken. 
  • In November 2024 Powerlink commenced preparatory work to inform development of the draft assessment, the next step in the assessment stage of the PTI framework. Consultation will take place in early 2025, anticipated in the March/April timeframe. 
  • The primary purpose of the Gladstone Project is the reinforcement of the Gladstone network to support decarbonisation in the region. The proposed investment also provides some incremental renewable connection capacity.  
  • The Australian Energy Regulator is the appointed Suitably Qualified Person for the Gladstone Project. Read more.

Role of transmission in Queensland’s energy transition and future energy system 

QEJP response - Overview diagram

Investment in the transmission network is critical to connect new large-scale renewable energy projects in Queensland.   

Decarbonising Queensland’s energy system means increasing the amount of renewable energy used to meet the energy needs of households and businesses, and reducing our reliance on coal-fired power generation.   

Together, renewable energy, storage (from pumped hydro and batteries) and the transmission network form the foundations of our future energy system in Queensland. 

About the Gladstone Project 

The primary purpose of the Gladstone Project is the reinforcement of the Gladstone network to support decarbonisation in the region. The proposed investment also provides some incremental renewable connection capacity.

Access the final submission for full details. 

As an overview and to provide context, Powerlink held a webinar on 17 July 2024 to discuss the PTI framework, the Gladstone Project and the draft submission consultation paper.  

See the Resources section on this page to watch the recording of this webinar and access the presented slides.  


Powerlink will undertake two public consultations during the assessment stage of the Gladstone ProjectPTI process:  

  • Consultation on the draft submission document (completed)  
  • Consultation on the draft assessment document (forthcoming) 

Dates and details of the next consultation will be made available in early 2025, with March/April the anticipated timeframe for commencement. 

Register to be notified of the consultation 

Powerlink prepared a submission for the Gladstone Project under Queensland’s Priority Transmission Investment (PTI) framework.  

Powerlink invited submissions and comments in response to the matters discussed in the consultation paper, and the draft submission, from energy industry participants, energy market bodies, potential non-network solution providers and any other interested parties. Submissions were invited, in particular on the following elements:  

  1. ​the proposed identified need; 
  2. the proposed assessment documents, and reasons for their selection;  
  3. the recommended modifications to, and reasons for modifications of, assessment documents; or  
  4. potential credible network and non-network options that may address the identified need, in part or full, and replace or defer capital investment. 

Full details are provided in the consultation paper.

Powerlink received thirteen submissions on the consultation, of which seven were general submissions and six from potential non-network solution providers. 

Of the general submissions three were non-confidential from Economic Development Queensland, European Energy Australia and the PTI Expert Panel. These are provided below: 


Questions should be emailed to [email protected]

About the Priority Transmission Investment framework  

The Queensland SuperGrid Infrastructure Blueprint  (Blueprint) identifies a number of transmission projects as critical to the transformation of Queensland’s energy system. These are called Priority Transmission Investment (PTI) projects. Gain an understanding of the PTI framework stages on our PTI webpage

Final PTI Submission


Wendy Miller

Customer Strategist

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