
This page contains information about the investment consultation activity currently underway for the ‘Gladstone Project Priority Transmission Investment’ (Gladstone PTI). To learn about Powerlink’s projects in Central Queensland visit our projects page.

The Gladstone PTI comprises proposed transmission works required to ensure ongoing reliability and security of supply and:

  • meet the forecast electrical load in anticipation of Gladstone Power Station’s closure
  • support the decarbonisation of major industries
  • compensate for loss of essential system services, such as inertia, system strength and voltage control capability, following the closure of Gladstone Power Station.

The PTI investment framework is a process to assess credible investment options to meet an identified need. It creates an approval pathway to ensure transmission infrastructure is delivered at the appropriate scale and time. Learn more about the framework.


This investment is currently in the draft assessment stage of the PTI framework.

Powerlink has completed the initial submission and consultation phase, including:

  • Final submission: the Final Submission was submitted to the Queensland Government.
  • Consultation on draft submission: conducted in mid-2024, stakeholders provided input on the proposed project scope and objectives (Draft Submission). Powerlink received 13 submissions: seven general (three non-confidential) and six from non-network solution providers. 

Get involved

Powerlink is now preparing the Draft Assessment Consultation stage of the Gladstone PTI. This consultation is for interested stakeholders to provide perspectives on the Draft Assessment Report.

  • Draft assessment report: a draft report will be published outlining credible options, methodologies, and assessment results.
  • Consultation period: submissions on the Draft Assessment Report can be made by interested stakeholders. 
  • Panel engagement: a PTI Expert Panel will meet during the consultation period to discuss findings, provide recommendations, and refine its input.

Written responses are invited from energy industry participants, energy market bodies, potential non-network solution providers and any other interested parties. Information on what is in and out of scope will be provided as part of the consultation process.

Note if you are a landholder or community member, you can also sign up for community-specific engagement opportunities via our project pages.

Role of the PTI Expert Panel

A PTI Expert Panel has been convened to advise Powerlink on implementing consultation engagement aspects of the PTI process, and challenge assumptions in recommendations and advice. The panel has been engaged to use its technical and regulatory expertise in the energy sector to focus on the long-term interests of customers, considering Queensland's decarbonisation targets. It operates independently, with views reflecting the National Energy Objective and Queensland's renewable energy goals.

Reporting obligations

In line with the direction for the assessment, Powerlink will:

  • Confirm engagement with the Queensland Energy System Advisory Board (QESAB) and other stakeholders
  • Summarise non-confidential submissions received and Powerlink’s responses in the final assessment report
  • Publish non-confidential submissions on our website.