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Powerlink owns and operates 2.7km of 275kV underground high voltage transmission cables that run between the Bayview Heights and White Rock transition stations in Cairns.  

Installed in 1997, the 2.7km of underground cables are critical to maintaining a reliable, secure and safe power supply for residents and businesses in Cairns and the Far North Queensland region.  

Powerlink maintains an easement along the length of the underground cables so we can safely operate and maintain the transmission cables. 

Since the underground cables were installed, there has been significant development in the Mount Sheridan area, including the residential Forest Gardens Estate. Over time, vegetation has grown around the underground cables and easement.  

Planning is underway for essential works to ensure the continued secure supply of power to the Cairns region. The works are required along sections of the underground cable and easement located in Mount Sheridan’s Forest Gardens and include:  

  • vegetation management along the easement, including selected tree removal of approximately 385 trees identified as being a high or future risk to the underground cables   
  • easement restoration, including replanting with compatible vegetation  
  • refurbishment works at two joint bay sites located near Alpinia Terrace and Amazon Close.   

We are targeting commencement of these essential works in late July 2024, for delivery over an approximate three to four year period, due to the wet season and extent of works required.   

We will minimise impacts wherever possible and are committed to keeping residents and the community updated on start and finish dates for all planned works.  


Powerlink undertakes regular inspections of our transmission network to monitor its condition and identify issues such as vegetation that can impact the reliability of power supply.  

If not managed appropriately, some vegetation can be a hazard to our network and damage critical infrastructure, affect power supply and impact easement clearance zones.  

Inspections of the underground cables, easement and neighbouring Bayview Heights Transition Station have identified significant issues with the surrounding vegetation. This includes species with intrusive root systems encroaching on the underground cables.  

It has been determined that selected tree removal and vegetation management is required along the easement to manage existing and future risks to the underground cables and ensure the continued secure supply of power to the Cairns region.  

Due to the extent of vegetation along the easement and its social and environmental value, a site-specific clearing approach has been developed for the project. The approach involves keeping as much existing vegetation as possible while managing risks to the underground cables.  

Essential cable joint refurbishment works are needed at two joint bay sites located within Powerlink’s easement, adjacent to Alpinia Terrace and Amazon Close in the Forest Gardens Estate.   

The refurbishment works on the joint bays will be undertaken during planned network outages in 2025 and will not result in any impacts to electricity supply.  

As the joint bays are located underground, the area above (approximately 20m x 12m), will be established as a construction site. This will involve installing fencing, vegetation clearing, excavation of the joint bays and setting up equipment in preparation for the refurbishment works.  

Some vegetation around the joint bay sites will remain until the refurbishment works start in the 2025 dry season.  

Powerlink is committed to restoring the easement while maintaining required safety clearances for the underground cables and easement.  

We are working with Cairns Regional Council to appropriately plan for easement restoration works, including identifying new amenity opportunities for the area such as shade structures and seating.  

Restoration works will involve replanting along the easement with compatible species that will not impact on the underground cables or the easement in their mature state. Approximately 24,000 grasses and plants will be locally propagated from local provenance seeds and cuttings.  

We recognise removing trees will have visual and amenity impacts for residents of the Forest Gardens Estate, and the wider community.   

Landscaping drawings and visual materials have been prepared for different viewpoints along the easement to show how the area looks with existing vegetation and what it will look like after the vegetation management and restoration works are completed.  

Graphics have also been prepared to show the restoration zones, compatible species types and potential new amenities, which can be found in the Visuals section of this page. 

Alternatively, please call our project team on 07 4034 7600 or email [email protected] and request copies be provided to you.   



Alpinia Terrace - Existing
Alpinia Terrace - Post Clearing and Vegetation Restoration
Alpinia Terrace - Existing 2
Alpinia Terrace - Post Clearing and Vegetation Restoration 2
Amazon Terrace - Existing
Amazon Terrace - Post Clearing and Vegetation Restoration
Blueberry Close - Existing
Blueberry Close - Post Clearing and Vegetation Restoration
Matissia Close - Existing
Matissia Close - Post Clearing and Vegetation Restoration

Community feedback and how to be involved

Powerlink is planning to stage the vegetation removal and easement restoration works and is seeking community feedback on two proposed options.   

Both proposed options involve:  

  • removing selected trees posing a high risk to the underground cables in 2024  
  • using mulch to cover areas where trees have been removed until restoration works commence. 

Powerlink is seeking feedback from local residents, the wider community and other stakeholders to help inform the approach for the vegetation management and timing for the easement restoration works. 

Further information on the two options is available in our Project Newsletter – June 2024. A full suite of maps showing the two options being considered is available in the Resource section of this page.   

To provide your feedback on the proposed options and new amenity opportunities for the area, please complete the survey. You can also provide your feedback by contacting our project team. 

We will be hosting community information drop-in sessions to provide residents and the community with an opportunity to meet with our project team, ask questions and provide feedback.  

Session details 

The community information drop-in sessions are being held at the Mount Sheridan Plaza (near Woolworths), 106 Barnard Drive, Mount Sheridan.  

  • Saturday 15 June: 10am – 2pm  
  • Monday 17 June: 3pm – 6pm  
  • Tuesday 18 June: 9am – 12pm  
  • Thursday 20 June: 10am – 2pm   
  • Saturday 22 June: 10am – 2pm  

Local residents, the wider community and other stakeholders will be kept updated about this project through:  

  • letterbox drops to properties in the project area    
  • door-knocking residents directly neighbouring the easement  
  • project newsletters    
  • webpage updates    
  • social media posts    
  • signage along the easement     
  • community information drop-in sessions.  

For more information on the Bayview Heights to White Rock Underground Cable project, please contact our project team on 07 4034 7600 or [email protected].