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Powerlink has been engaged by Genex Power Limited (Genex) to deliver a 275kV electricity transmission line and two associated switching stations to connect Genex's renewable energy generation project at Kidston to the national electricity grid.

The Kidston Clean Energy Hub includes establishing a combination pumped storage hydro, solar and wind power generation facility at Kidston, approximately 270km north-west of Townsville. Visit for more information.

Genex Kidston Infographic


All transmission towers along the 186km alignment have now been installed, including two 85m tall towers. Completion of tower erection marks a significant milestone on this project and is the culmination of a significant body of work with our hosting landholders and delivery partners.

Our focus now turns to completing the stringing of the transmission line, which is 70% complete. While the majority of stringing work was completed by helicopter, 13.5km of drone stringing was also undertaken, and we are looking to use drones on additional sections of line. Construction of both our Guybal Munjan and Aurumfield switching stations is now complete with final testing and commissioning works planned for the new year.

Our two 85m towers are some of the tallest transmission towers on Powerlink’s 275kV network.

Straddling Hopewell Creek, these towers are built to withstand flooding that occurs in this area, ensuring we keep Queenslanders safely and reliably connected to power during natural disasters.

The towers were assembled using a 250 tonne crane stretching 70m high. The logistical and transport constraints involved in mobilising such a large crane to a remote site, over challenging terrain, is testament to the strong working relationship we have with our delivery partners.

Each tower is made up of 71.5 tonnes of steel and 25 cubic metres of concrete. With foundations extending 5.8m by 1.2m, these towers will remain standing strong in our network for many years to come.

Powerlink, in partnership with aviation and aerospace component manufacturer Infravision, have been recognised by the Australian Financial Review in their inaugural Energy Awards for applying innovative practices in the energy sector.

The award recognises the implementation of drones to string the longest section of high voltage transmission line in the Asia-Pacific region as part of the connection of Genex’s Kidston Clean Energy Hub to the grid. 

The technology has proved beneficial in reducing impacts to landholders and the environment, eliminating safety risks and reducing the project’s vegetation clearing footprint.

Powerlink and Infravision have now embarked on a multi-year agreement which will see drone stringing considered for all transmission projects across Queensland.

The agreement will see Infravision supply a package that combines drones, smart puller tensioners and specialised payloads into one system that strings powerlines, installs hardware and conducts inspections. 

To acknowledge local Traditional Owners, we sought the advice of the Gugu Badhun Aboriginal Corporation (GBAC) to nominate a name for the switching station at Mount Fox. The name Guybal Munjan was selected, which means ‘fire mountain’ in local language, and is pronounced ‘guy-bel moo-wun’.  

We appreciate the opportunity to work alongside Traditional Owners to determine this name and are pleased to advise that a formal agreement between Powerlink and GBAC for the respectful use of the Guybal Munjan name has been reached. To mark this milestone, the GBAC has provided the below notice:

The Gugu Badhun People are the Traditional Owners, Custodians and Native Title holders of country around the upper reaches of the Burdekin River, areas north of the Clark River and areas out to the Great Dividing Range, on country surrounding the Township of Greenvale.

We are connected to each other through family connections, relationships, kinship, blood lines and spirits of our ancestors and elders. Our connectedness is to the land and waters; plants and animals; the seasons; the sun, moon and stars; and all things which make up the living environment such as the air we breathe. Our ancestors used stones, shells, sticks and bones as tools to support their existence.

Our relatedness, the connection within and between the Gugu Badhun People and all parts of the environment must be maintained for harmony to exist. We, as Gugu Badhun People, Traditional Owners and Custodians have responsibilities to ensure that this happens by passing on our stories, history, culture and language, maintaining lore, performing ceremonies and rituals, and protecting and proactively caring for our country.

Gugu Badhun People have clear priorities for our culture and country. Recognition of our custodianship and connection to country; maintenance, protection and preservation of our culture and community; establishment and maintenance of our physical, spiritual, and cultural wellbeing; engagement in economic and other opportunities through innovation and effective partnerships and self-determination are key to our responsibilities as Gugu Badhun people both for our past and for our future. 

Working with the local community

We welcome the opportunity to meet with you in person to discuss and listen to your feedback at any time.

You can contact us on 1800 635 369 or via email at

Powerlink has been working with principal contractor UGL to maximise local employment and procurement opportunities wherever possible for this project. 

Sub-contracting opportunities on the project have included vegetation and access works, machine and equipment hire, cleaning services, waste management and recycling, and much more. 

To date we have engaged more than 25 local suppliers, with local contracts valued at more than $30 million.  

Powerlink’s community investment activities are aimed at supporting initiatives and projects that focus on creating sustainable communities and assist within economic development, enhance community and social capacity, build resilience and create positive legacies.    

Since the Genex Kidston Connection Project began construction, more than $470,000 in community investment funding has been committed. This funding has supported 49 community investment initiatives across the Charters Towers, Etheridge and Hinchinbrook local government areas including: 

  • funding the installation of solar panels on the Queensland Country Women’s Association facility in Ingham
  • donating supplies for the Greenvale Horse Sports barbecue in November 2024
  • supporting Ingham Meals on Wheels with a donation of a new commercial oven to help them meet increased demand for their services
  • providing prizes for the Greenvale State School’s end of year Awards Night
  • supporting the refurbishment of the Greenvale Seniors Club
  • working with Etheridge Shire Council to install smart LED lighting in community parks
  • funding to provide paramedic support during the 2024 Greenvale Campdraft and Challenge event 
  • supporting the Einasleigh Progress Association to construct a cricket pitch in Einasleigh. Once built, the new pitch and other supporting infrastructure will also provide opportunities for social functions throughout the year
  • supporting a four-day training course in operating agricultural machinery to prepare participants for the 26-week cane harvesting season. 

For more information about Powerlink’s community investment activities, please contact or visit our community investment page.    

Project background

In October 2022, Powerlink was awarded Federal environmental approvals for the Genex Kidston Connection Project – Matters of National Environmental Significance under the Commonwealth’s Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act 1999.

Following the identification of some species and potential habitat listed under the EPBC Act in the vicinity of the proposed transmission line alignment for the Genex Kidston Connection Project, Powerlink referred the project to the former Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment (DoAWE) for assessment to ensure our activities can be delivered in a way that effectively minimises environmental impacts. The initial public consultation period occurred in October 2021 for Powerlink’s referral of this project to DoAWE. We invited landholders, the community and other stakeholders to provide comments on the project and Powerlink’s referral for consideration under the EPBC Act. At the end of this consultation period, DoAWE classified the project as a ‘Controlled Action’, which meant the project required Commonwealth approval under the EPBC Act.

To progress with these approvals, Powerlink prepared a report further examining environmental considerations and mitigation measures associated with the project. Under provisions of the EPBC Act, this report - called ‘Draft Preliminary Documentation’ - was released for public comment in May/June 2022. This document is available on this project webpage. 

Following a review of submissions received, Powerlink prepared the ‘Final Preliminary Documentation’ report. This report includes a summary of the key items raised in the submissions and provides responses to these key items. This information is presented in a new section within the Final Preliminary Documentation (Section 10). The Final Preliminary Documentation is available on this webpage. 

The Ministerial Infrastructure Designation Assessment Report (MIDAR) for the Genex Kidston Connection Project was released in November 2021 for public review and comment. The report was submitted to the Queensland Government’s Planning Minister for approval under the Planning Act 2016. A copy of the MIDAR is available on this webpage. 

The MIDAR identifies the potential environmental, economic and social impacts of the project, and how those impacts can be mitigated or managed. It concludes that, based on the studies undertaken to date, provided Powerlink implements the recommendations outlined in the report and associated Environmental Management Plans, there are no social, environmental or economic factors that prevent the connection project from proceeding.

The MIDAR was prepared following extensive engagement with landholders, the community and other stakeholders, environmental and technical assessments, and a comprehensive review of the project’s Draft Environmental Assessment Report (EAR) which was released in September 2018.

Following execution of a Connection and Access Agreement in March 2021, Powerlink received the project’s 'Notice to Proceed'. This signalled the re-commencement of activities to formally progress the connection project, which includes working with landholders and other stakeholders to finalise a range of planning approval processes. Powerlink reactivated project planning activities, including engaging with landholders and other stakeholders about next steps, and undertaking remaining technical, environmental and cultural heritage assessment work.

The Draft EAR for the Genex Kidston Connection Project was released in September 2018, as part of the process to seek planning approval at that time under the Planning Act 2016. The report was developed following comprehensive engagement with landholders and other stakeholders at the time to understand likely property impacts and identify mitigation measures, as well as undertaking environmental and technical assessments. It concluded that, based on the studies undertaken to date, provided Powerlink implements the recommendations outlined in the Draft EAR and associated Draft Environmental Management Plans, there are no social, environmental or economic factors that would prevent the connection project from proceeding. The public consultation period for the Draft EAR concluded in November 2018. A copy of the Draft EAR is available on this webpage.




In Progress




Ministerial Infrastructure Designation Assessment Report

Draft Environmental Assessment Report - Appendices


Murray Abel

Manager Landholder Relations
07 3860 2377

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