To enhance the value and outcomes of the Regulatory Investment Test for Transmission (RIT-T) engagement process, Powerlink has developed a stakeholder engagement matrix. 

The National Electricity Rules (Rules) set the following consultation requirements for the Regulatory Investment Test for Transmission (RIT-T): 

•    Project Specification Consultation Report (PSCR) (excluding projects which are actionable ISP projects)
•    Project Assessment Draft Report (PADR) – if required
•    Project Assessment Conclusions Report (PACR).

To enhance the value and outcomes of RIT-Ts, Powerlink has developed a stakeholder engagement matrix that details potential activities that may be undertaken, for each RIT-T. The final engagement strategy is determined on a case-by-case basis.

RIT-T stakeholder engagement matrix - January 2022 update

* Irrespective of Powerlink’s assessment of the likelihood of non-network options, the RIT-T consultation process provides an open and non-discriminatory (technology neutral) framework for the consideration of non-network options on an equal footing with network options.

** The cost threshold of $46 million is a specific requirement in the Rules at which a full RIT-T process must be undertaken, irrespective of the likelihood of non-network options and market benefits.  However, the engagement level will be determined primarily by the potential for non-network options and market benefits, so there will be many instances where projects are well below the $46 million but a ‘normal’ or ‘complex’ engagement approach is applied. 

Engagement level - Minor (PADR exempt)

Project characteristics

  • Non-network options unlikely*
  • No material market benefits identified
  • Preferred option <$46 million **

Potential engagement activities

  • Notification to Powerlink Non-Network Engagement Stakeholder Register – you can subscribe to this register by emailing [email protected]
  • AEMO Notice and summary
  • Publication of RIT-T project details on Powerlink website
  • Dedicated email contact
  • Project fact sheet
  • Alerts through Powerlink's Twitter and LinkedIn accounts
Engagement level - Normal

Project characteristics 

  • Minor network reconfiguration / material impact on network users
  • Possibility of non-network options
  • Material market benefits identified

Potential engagement activities

In addition to engagement activities identified at minor level:

Engagement level - Complex

Project characteristics

  • Network reconfiguration / material impact on multiple network users
  • Likelihood of non-network options
  • Significant market benefits identified

Potential engagement activities

In addition to engagement activities identified at normal level:

  • Dedicated engagement forum to analyse project options
  • Where relevant,  issue additional documentation such as methodology and assumption papers