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Renewable energy company, Windlab, has engaged Powerlink to investigate transmission line connection options for its proposed Bungaban Wind Farm, about 40km from Wandoan. The 1.4GW wind farm will have the capacity to generate enough energy to power 700,000 homes and enhance the security and reliability of the electricity network by diversifying the generation mix and increasing transmission capacity in the region. 

The transmission infrastructure proposed for the project includes one new substation and a new 275kV transmission line between Powerlink’s existing Wandoan South Substation and the wind farm development. Powerlink has commenced exploring options for the transmission line and engaging with stakeholders in the region to encourage their feedback and input. Our current priority is engaging with landholders, Traditional Owner groups, the community and other stakeholders to understand the local community and their values. It is this deeper understanding of the community and direct engagement with local people that will inform our processes and shape the corridor selection process going forward. 


As part of early works for this project, Powerlink has identified a high-level study area which incorporates the wind farm location and an area of land including the existing Wandoan South Substation site.  

Our engagement process for corridor selection involves carefully assessing the potential social, environmental and economic considerations of a project. This process is built on meaningful and early engagement practices with landholders, Traditional Owner groups, the community and other stakeholders.  

Once a project need is identified, we engage with communities during a number of stages as we work collaboratively to determine the most appropriate location for a new transmission line. This brochure explains these engagement opportunities as part of our Transmission Easement Engagement Process, from the commencement of a project, approval pathways and construction, through to maintenance of the infrastructure. 

Powerlink is at step one of this process, where we are introducing communities to the study area we are investigating to identify corridor options for the transmission line. We have started early engagement to gather information and feedback. These early discussions are focused on seeking input and insights to help guide our planning. 

Get involved 

Powerlink is dedicated to working respectfully with landholders, Traditional Owner groups, the community and other stakeholders every step of the way. An important part of our engagement is offering communities the opportunity to meet with us in-person at our community information drop-in sessions. 

These sessions are a vital way for us to learn more about what’s important to you and your community. We intend to host more of these sessions in the future so we ensure you have the opportunity to engage with us and provide your feedback. 

Our Project Team hosted a series of information drop-in sessions in early August to talk with landholders, community members and other stakeholders about the study area, corridor selection process and how insights and feedback can inform our decision-making process. 

These sessions were held in the following locations with significant attendance: 

Date and timeLocationAddress
Saturday 3 August 
9am to 11am 
Chinchilla Chinchilla Cultural Centre, 80-86 Heeney Street, Chinchilla 
Saturday 3 August 
1pm to 3pm 
Miles  Miles Leichardt Centre, 29 Dawson St, Miles 
Sunday 4 August 
10am to 1pm 
Wandoan Wandoan Cultural Centre, 6 Henderson Rd, Wandoan 
Sunday 4 August
3pm to 5pm  
Taroom  Leichardt Hotel, 23 Dawson St, Taroom 
Tuesday 6 August 
7am to 10am 
Wandoan Wandoan Cultural Centre, 6 Henderson Rd, Wandoan 
Tuesday 6 August 
3pm to 6pm 
Taroom  Taroom Hall, 16 Yaldwyn St, Taroom 

We recognise it is not always possible to attend information sessions to provide your feedback. Please fill out this feedback form and tell us more about yourself and your views. You can also sign up for our project newsletter and be notified about upcoming events where you can meet with us and learn more about the project. Feedback on the study area for the Project is open until 5pm Sunday 1 September 2024.  

Share your feedback

We invite you to provide information on specific locations within the project study area and other local feedback via our interactive map which allows you to add a ‘pin’ at a specific location and make a comment. In this way we can engage with people from the local community and respond directly to specific questions and comments. 

View the interactive map



Transmission Lines





Bungaban Wind Farm Connection Project Engagement Timeline

July 2024

Early engagement with Council, Traditional Owners and Stakeholders

August 2024

Community information sessions for feedback

September 2024

Use feedback to develop corridor options

November 2024

Community information sessions for feedback

November - December 2024

Use feedback to develop recommended corridor

January 2025

Release recommended corridor

February 2025

Community information sessions

March-April 2025

Release of final corridor

Full timeline

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