Powerlink supports local initiatives with grants in Far North, North, Central and Southern Queensland.
Seventy-eight beneficiaries of the 2024 Powerlink Community Grants program have received grants of up to $5,000 to help make a difference in communities across Queensland.
Powerlink has injected more than $320,000 into communities across 14 local government areas where electricity transmission projects are underway.
General Manager of Community and Delivery Services Dana Boxall said these grants aim to build strong relationships and contribute lasting benefits for regional Queenslanders.
“Communities play a vital role in the work we do, whether it’s through providing feedback on nearby projects or hosting our infrastructure,” she said.
“Our connection with Queenslanders is central to what we do.
“We hope our contribution will enhance these organisations, provide tangible benefits and add to the wellbeing of their community.”
In Far North Queensland, 11 community groups received grants totalling almost $55,000.
Marlin Coast Neighbourhood Centre received a grant to upgrade their community garden.
Manager Prue Rheuben said the money will enable the creation of an all-ability accessible organic sensory garden.
“The garden will combine raised water wicking beds and vertical cascading gardens utilising recycled and re-purposed materials, collected rainwater and gazebos to reduce evaporation and extend the growth seasons of the plants,” she said.
“The final touch will be a community designed and executed mosaic as a feature on the rear wall celebrating flora and fauna of the tropics the construction of which will again utilise recycled materials.
“We cannot wait and are grateful to Powerlink for recognising the value of this program to the community.”
Long Pocket have seen a resurgence in activities, such as tennis, and received a grant to upgrade their courts.
President Mary Brown of the Hinchinbrook Chamber of Commerce said the growing community will see a benefit.
“Over the past several years, there has been a growing number of families returning to this community and this has also seen a resurgence of interest in families wanting to reactivate the tennis court and enjoy localised activities,” she said.
“This growth was the motivator for the community coming together and reforming the Long Pocket Sports and Community Group.
“Whilst this group continues to work through the re-establishment and planning processes, knowing they have the funding to undertake some of the much needed maintenance work on the courts, including trimming of overhanging mango trees and long overdue repairs to the court fencing, is an enormous relief to the committee and will assist in speeding up how quickly the area can again be utilised by the growing community.”
In North Queensland, 14 community groups received grants totalling more than $69,000.
Flinders Hack and Pony Club was a worthy recipient to develop their Riding Rhythms workshops.
“The support from Powerlink allows our club to provide opportunities to kids and adults in our rural community otherwise unavailable to them,” Alison Read said.
“The funding allows the community to come together and support each other.”
In Central Queensland, 14 community groups received grants totalling almost $50,000.
Thirteen-year-old scout Nathanial Wilkinson of Biloela Scout Group said the grant would make the group’s camping trips a much better experience.
“We’ll have lights at night, hot water for showers, and flushing toilets, and we won’t even need a generator,” he said.
“It’s so cool that we can use renewable energy instead, which helps protect the environment.
“Thank you so much for helping make this happen.”
CQShines Foundation also received a grant to improve paediatric maternity services at Gladstone Hospital.
“At CQShines, we’re driven by our mission to brighten children’s lives through compassionate healthcare. Thanks to Powerlink’s incredible partnership, we can deliver even better support to local families and help our kids get back to being kids,” Allira Mitchell, Manager Partnerships and Programs, said.
“This grant from Powerlink is a great example of how working together can truly make a difference.
“Their support allows the CQShines Hospital Foundation to keep providing essential resources for patients at Gladstone Hospital, ensuring our local healthcare teams have everything they need to deliver the best possible care.”
In Central Queensland, the grants have significantly impacted local sports associations, cultural festivals, and youth mentorship programs. Powerlink’s support has enabled the construction of new facilities, the organization of cultural events, and the provision of resources for mentorship activities.
In Southern Queensland, 39 community groups received grants totalling more than $148,000.
Mary Valley State College was a worthy recipient to expand their After School Sports and Recreation program.
Principal Steve Mabb said the funding will empower the college to build on its proven success in delivering community-focused initiatives.
“With Powerlink’s support, we can deliver a sustainable program that not only enhances physical and mental health but also strengthens community ties by engaging local volunteers, sports clubs and families,” he said.
"This grant will enable us to expand the Mary Valley Afterschool Sports and Recreation Program, providing accessible, affordable opportunities for physical activity and fostering social connections among students from across the Mary Valley.”
View the full list of Powerlink’s community grant recipients.