What is the Renewable Energy Zone Delivery Body?

The Renewable Energy Zone (REZ) Delivery Body is a statutory function that is identified in the Energy (Renewable Transformation and Jobs) Act 2024 (The Energy Act) to assist in the planning, declaration and operation of REZs in Queensland. 

Under the Energy Act, the relevant Minister can appoint a government entity, regulator body or government agency of the Commonwealth as the REZ Delivery Body. Powerlink has been appointed to fulfil this role as of 30 August 2024.

What are the key functions of the REZ Delivery Body?

The key functions that the REZ Delivery Body perform are:

  1. Provide input to the Queensland Government on future REZ developments (Queensland Renewable Energy Zone Roadmap);
  2. Make recommendations to the Minister to declare a REZ; and
  3. Develop draft and final REZ Management Plans for each REZ to recommend that a REZ to be declared.

What is a REZ management plan?

Each declared REZ will be supported by a REZ management plan. The REZ management plan is a document that outlines how the REZ will be developed, operated and managed. 

It is a technical document, with the Energy Act and associated regulations specifying what must be included within it.

Key elements of a REZ management plan include: 

  • REZ transmission infrastructure
  • Geographic boundary of the REZ
  • Capacity of the REZ
  • Renewable energy sources
  • Access principles
  • Dispute resolution process

Each REZ management plan will be tailored to the requirements of the individual REZ.

Each REZ management plan will be accompanied by two companion documents, Getting involved in the REZ and REZ developer guide, that will explain what is included in the REZ management plan and why. The Getting involved in the REZ document will outline aspects of the REZ declaration that are particularly relevant to local communities, while the REZ developer guide will focus on information for renewable energy companies.