Queensland's approach to Renewable Energy Zones (REZs) is different to other jurisdictions. 

Queensland’s legislated renewable energy targets reinforce the vital role that Renewable Energy Zones (REZs) will play in the state’s future power system. An additional 22GW of wind and solar generation will be connected by 2035, the majority through REZs.

Powerlink’s focus is on developing REZs in a scale-efficient way to maximise hosting capacity and system strength at lowest cost. Queensland has some of the best renewable energy resources in the world. The role of Powerlink in delivering REZs needs to lead to the best possible outcomes for developers, REZ communities and Queenslanders more broadly. 

Have your say

Powerlink is focused on developing the optimal REZ delivery framework for both communities and Proponents. 

We are seeking to understand your perspective and gain insights on a range of areas which may assist Powerlink in its anticipated roles in the planning and delivery of REZs in Queensland. 

We invite you to provide your insights to shape how Powerlink undertakes its responsibilities as both transmission network service provider and REZ Delivery Body. 

Open to all, the focus of this engagement is on an investment consideration, and hence is tailored for renewable energy project developers and affiliated entities who have interest or may become interested in developing a project within a Declared REZ. 

Access the engagement document below.

Submissions should be lodged in accordance with the guidelines in the engagement document to: [email protected].

Provide your response by Tuesday 9 July 2024

Queensland's REZ Model

Queensland is currently pursuing a market-led REZ approach. The market-led REZ model is characterised by Powerlink working with renewable energy companies to identify projects which are of a size and maturity to drive efficient development of REZs. The model promotes the appropriate allocation of landholder, environmental and community impact, as well as risk and costs, and is predominantly funded by the renewable energy companies connecting to the REZ. 

This will promote the appropriate allocation of risk and costs.

This REZ approach delivers benefits for developers by unlocking additional, coordinated opportunities to connect to the network, increasing the cost-effectiveness of connecting and optimising the capability of the system. Key principles include:

  • supporting connection of new generation at locations with high resource quality, relatively close to the transmission network
  • using existing network capacity
  • developing REZs in a scale-efficient way to maximise hosting capacity and system strength at lowest cost
  • reduced individual proponent connection costs
  • simplicity and transparency in the connection process
  • clear and consistent community engagement requirements
  • aggregated Generator Performance Standards (GPS) methodology
  • speed and ease of connections.

While REZs aim to achieve similar energy transformation goals, each declared REZ in Queensland will be unique. The approach and design of each REZ will consider the REZs specific location, geography, connection into the shared transmission infrastructure, resource availability and community context. 

REZ management plans

As the REZ Delivery Body, Powerlink will be responsible for creating REZ management plans. Powerlink will provide these to the Minister to consider when deciding to declare a REZ. 

We will collaborate with local communities, stakeholders, industry and the Queensland Government to ensure these plans are sustainable and inclusive, ultimately facilitating the smooth integration of the REZ into the transmission network.

The REZ management plan will stipulate the REZ capacity, target technology and access principles.

  • ability to demonstrate good community engagement and social licence to operate
  • environmental, commercial and technical viability
  • developer approval status.

Powerlink will continue to work closely with renewable energy companies on opportunities aligned to REZ development. For further information please contact Powerlink on [email protected].

Energy (Renewable Transformation and Jobs) Act 2024

The Energy (Renewable Transformation and Jobs) Act 2024 was passed on 18 April 2024. 

The legislation prioritises:

  • community benefits and local input
  • coordination in the development process
  • a focus on considering potential cumulative impacts from REZ development.

It is worth noting that infrastructure linked to REZs will not be open access. It will operate under a special access regime to optimise renewable generation in Queensland, and considers community engagement, local input and investment in its decision making.



The Queensland Government released the Renewable Energy Zone (REZ) Roadmap. This Roadmap shows how Queensland will enable the connection of 22GW of additional generation to meet future clean energy demand. The REZ Roadmap provides transparency over the likely future REZ locations in Queensland – helping to improve long-term regional planning and coordination. 

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