Powerlink is committed to driving value for money through procurement activities. 

We support the principles of the Queensland Procurement Policy to maximise the benefits that can be delivered through ethically, environmentally, and socially responsible procurement. Powerlink requires all of our suppliers to comply with our Supplier Code of Conduct.

Working with us

Visit the Queensland Procurement Solution website to view the latest tenders. Suppliers can also register with the Queensland Procurement Solution to receive notifications of available tenders.

Powerlink uses the Queensland Procurement Solution website to provide a modern, cost efficient and environmentally friendly tendering process to procure goods and services. The system handles invitations to tender, notifications to tenderers and lodgement of tender submissions. 

For general or tender enquiries, please email [email protected].

At Powerlink, we have a number of different terms and conditions for the procurement of goods and services. These may vary from time to time, dependent on factors including the procurement category, value of procurement, risk profile and business area.

For Purchase Orders (other than IT goods or services), where there is no contract or other form of agreement in place, the Standard Conditions of Order for Goods and Services apply.

For Purchase Orders relating to IT goods or services, where there is no contract or other form of agreement in place, the IT Goods and Services Purchase Order Conditions apply.

Powerlink have engaged EFTsure Pty Ltd to provide payment verification services to our organisation.  You may receive an email request from EFTsure Pty Ltd ([email protected]) requesting you to verify your details. 

If you have previously completed an EFTsure supplier verification process with another organisation or company, you will not receive these additional requests.

If you have an executed contract with Powerlink Queensland, follow the invoice instructions detailed in your contract.

If you do not have an executed contract with Powerlink Queensland, invoices should be sent to [email protected]

Please ensure your invoices include all necessary details, such as the purchase order number, Powerlink contact person, and any other relevant information to facilitate prompt processing.   

Responsible procurement

Prior to doing business with Powerlink, suppliers will be evaluated against a broad range of criteria and selected based on their ability to deliver value for money (including meeting our ethical, environmental and social expectations) in addition to how they meet the required specifications of the goods or services.

Suppliers are encouraged to go beyond legislative compliance by taking responsibility for the ethical, social and environmental conditions within their business and their own supply chain. 

Powerlink's Supplier Code of Conduct outlines the expectations that Powerlink has from its suppliers. Suppliers should review the Code of Conduct to ensure agreement with the principles addressed, and proactively take action to remedy potential shortcomings.

Powerlink is committed to promoting reconciliation and building stronger relationships with First Nations communities as detailed in the Powerlink Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan.

Powerlink wants to work with suppliers who act ethically and responsibly to take reasonable steps to ensure that their business and supply chain is not benefiting from, engaged in or complicit with, human rights exploitation such as forced or child labour, coercion, or any form of modern slavery practice. 

This is reinforced in the Powerlink Supplier Code of Conduct, which expects that our suppliers comply with the purpose and intent of the Commonwealth Modern Slavery Act 2018.

View Powerlink's Modern Slavery Statement 

You can raise any concerns about modern slavery issues via the pathways on Powerlink’s Complaints Management page

For further information and support regarding our response to modern slavery, contact our team at [email protected].

Health, Safety and Environment

We take a proactive approach to health and safety, where safety is regarded as essential for all; health and wellbeing are protected and promoted; and safety is integrated into all work practices. We are also committed to the protection of the environment and management of adverse environmental impacts as a result of our activities. These commitments can be found in our Health, Safety and Environment Policy.

All our employees, contractors and visitors are expected to behave and work in a safe manner at all times. 

The Safety webpage provides more information about Powerlink's commitment to safety, 

Credit applications

Powerlink is not able to supply trade reference information to our suppliers. Refer to the Company Overview for Suppliers for more information.

For any enquiries regarding credit applications and/or company and purchasing details, please contact [email protected]

Training and resources

A number of training materials and resources are available to help supply to the Queensland Government and Government Owned Corporations. View these resources on the Supply to Queensland Government webpage.

Current and prospective suppliers are also encouraged to learn more about modern slavery. The below options are offered free-of-charge to help raise awareness of modern slavery, how to identify red flags and how to report them.