The region is leading the charge with two in-flight REZs and up to 12,200MW of expected new renewable generation in the region.

Southern Queensland Renewable Energy Zones

The Southern Queensland region has key advantages for REZ development, including a strong history of hosting renewable energy projects that take advantage of strong wind and solar resources, as well as existing energy infrastructure. 

The five potential future REZs include Southern Downs, Western Downs, Woolooga, Darling Downs and Tarong. 

In-flight REZs are renewable energy developments that Powerlink is already progressing under the existing National Electricity Rules with some degree of coordination and may be converted to a declared REZ in the future. These In-flight REZs will offer important insights that will inform future REZ development.

There are two In-flight REZs currently being developed by Powerlink in Southern Queensland:

Southern Downs REZ
Status: In-flight under development

  • 2,000-2,600MW expected installed generation
  • Up to 400 renewable energy construction jobs throughout development
  • Connecting MacIntyre Wind Farm

Western Downs REZ
Status: In-flight under development

  • 2,000-2,600MW expected installed generation
  • Up to 400 renewable energy construction jobs throughout development
  • Connecting Wambo Wind Farm

Southern Queensland Renewable Energy Zones

REZ Map Southern Thumbnail
Click to enlarge image
